sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

the problem with gifts...

I've receive around 20 gifts every year. I usually don't like 15. Why? because they either give me shirts which are too big, things I already own, or books I will never read. Yeah, I know this is going to make me sound like a ungrateful jackass, but if I'm going to get something I don't like I'd rather get nothing at all.

Which got me thinking... has there been a major breakthrough in gift-giving since a gift lists in stores like Bed, Bad and Beyond? Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, there has been... gift cards. Most people tag them as inappropriate but that's probably because they have never gotten one. Gift cards are amazing because you get what you want... last year I got two gift cards, one from a book store (from which I got Ender's Game, thank you very much) and an American Express gift card (Guitar Hero 3). Amazing stuff. So this year half my gifts where things I knew the person wanted and half were gift cards from stores I knew they would like!

So if you still don't know what to give out, don't give it another thought, visit http://giftcardmall.com/, one of the largest web pages that sell gift cards and your holiday shopping will be incredibly faster. Talk about saving time and unwanted gifts!!!

Have a cousin who likes videogames?
Your wife wants a fancy dinner?
What would your kids want?
Are you sure that's the movie your friend has been talking about?

Gift card's have got your back!!