miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2007

Thank you, Ms Fashion hater

On my flight from New York to Dallas, I was sad. Not only did I need to choose a career in less than a year time, but also was I going back to school in a little more than a week. I was also feeling really homesick, and I wasn't going to be home in approximately 5 days.
When I got to my aunt's house, I ran to whom every every single kid in the world loves: the TV, where I watched some boring programs like "Shaq's Big Challenge" and "The Price is Right", but some pretty amusing stuff too like "Two and a Half Men" and "Just for Laughs". One night on my trip to Wal-Mart I saw a movie that I had been wholeheartedly recommended by one of my best friends: Devil Wears Prada. So I dropped 19 bucks for it and watched it. To make a long story short, the book-to-movie adaptation is about a graduated journalist girl who wants to make it to the top in New York but is stuck being no more than a fashion magazine assistant (by the way, the movie is amazing and the acting is great, I really recommend it unless you are a bullet-action-and-killing freak). So anyway, that's when it came to me. I've been considering journalism as a possible career for quite some time now, but I thought there was no way I could reach the success I had in mind here in Mexico. Sure, there are some quite big publications here, but nothing "Time Magazine" big.
"As one door closes, a million more open". That's the case here with me. I closed my career options door, and I opened all of my college opportunities doors. And you know what? I feel a lot better than I did in that plane to Dallas.

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